What is SEO copywriting? A detailed guide to writing SEO Content
In this age of the internet, we value content the most. Anything that you see on the internet can be regarded as a content be it an image, a piece of text or even video footage. Anyone and everyone has the ability to upload content on the internet. Is every content regarded as the same? The answer is pretty obvious, no.
Even before someone gets to read your content, search engines like Google crawl it. They determine the efficiency of the content with words you use, which is in a great extent responsible for the ranking of your content. So, if you are someone who wants to create content or upload content, you need to make sure that it is SEO content. Here we will get to know a little more about SEO copywriting, so keep on reading.
What is SEO content?
Everyone working closely with contents needs to know what is SEO content. It is because if you are writing a content which is not ranking or read by people, then there is no point in writing content at all.
In very simple terms, we can say that any content that is compliant with SEO can be regarded as SEO content. So, the first thing that we have to demystify is the idea about SEO.
You do not need to be scared of SEO as it is one of the most important aspects that content creators have with them right now. The main aim of a content creator will be to optimize the content or a website is such a way that it is easily shown in the organic search results of a search engine. As you know, Google is one of the most important search engines out there and you want your content to come up as a search result in the first SERP page of Google.
What are the tools used for SEO content writing?
If you are looking forward to uploading SEO content on the internet, then you will need to focus on SEO content writing. There are certain tools or techniques which aid in SEO copywriting. They include:
Keyword Research and Keyword Optimization
It is very important to do proper keyword research when someone is trying to develop content that is SEO optimized. They will need to do research on the topic and the keywords related to it. If a certain keyword already has a search volume, then it can be predicted that the content will also generate good traffic if the keyword is used.
One needs to do proper audience research as well to see the search volumes of the keywords. A writer needs to know that they cannot haphazardly put the keywords. Search engines like Google often penalize websites if they happen to have content that is overstuffed with keywords.
A writer needs to put the keywords at the right places so that it is legible for the users as well as for the search engine crawlers. In SEO copywriting, special care is taken to add the titles, headlines, Meta titles, Meta tags, etc. as they help a user or a reader to find relevant content.
Content Organization and Promotion
When a writer is producing content they should make sure that it is legible and understandable. It needs to have a proper pattern and it should be able to grab the attention of any user. Along with that proper and legitimate hyperlinks and backlinks can be used in content to make it much more informative and it also helps to promote content.
Different types of SEO content writing services:
Knowing the tools used for content writing is just not enough, you also need to get familiar with the services that a content writer provides. SEO content does include things like:
- Writing SEO product descriptions for e-commerce websites.
- Writing blog posts which are SEO compliant and contain the right keywords so that they are able to generate the audience that it deserves. Content writers seek to develop contents which are engaging.
- Listicles are quite popular when it comes to SEO copywriting. It is a short and crisp way of letting people know about a certain topic.
- A good SEO content writer will also be able to create good guides on a topic and help it reach the right audience.
- SEO copywriting is also a popular service when it comes to the world of advertisements. SEO can help the advertisement get an organic audience which is often more genuine.
Difference between a normal content writer and an SEO content writer:
If you are looking forward to hiring a content writer, then you should be able to know if they write SEO contents or not. So, here are some of the points which will help you to differentiate between the two:
- The very first thing that you should check when you are hiring someone for SEO copywriting is that they are able to produce web-based content. The content that you require for the internet is much more precise and it should be error-free. The compact piece should have the right amount of information and it should be well-researched. On top of that, content should always be an original creation and free from any form of plagiarism. These are the basic points that are covered by a normal content writer. A SEO content writer will provide you the service of researching the right keywords and placing them in the content. SEO content writers produce contents that are audience-driven so that they are able to cut on the bounce rate. The piece that they will write will be compliant with web crawlers so that they naturally come in the first few organic SERPs.
- SEO content writers will be aware of the tools that they need to use to make a content SEO specific. They know the right way to do the target audience research to get the right keywords. A good SEO writer is able to use the keywords in a natural way. They also know the way to use backlinks and hyperlinks to increase the quality of the contents.
When you will be ready to avail SEO copywriting services or other content writing services you will see that there is minimal difference between an SEO content writer and a normal content writer. A writer who is brilliant in their work will already know the right way to make a content engaging and to provide it with the right content. Most content writers these days have made themselves used to SEO and its tool because of the importance of SEO copywriting in a website ranking campaign.
To be on the safe side, you should always ask if the writer is able to utilize SEO. It will a very tough situation if you get a writer who isn’t able to follow your SEO instructions. Interaction is an important part of making a content SEO compliant, so do ask your writer about their skills. Ask them for a sample and check if it meets the quality or not. If you want to be an SEO writer yourself, then do make sure to take up a course which will help you to know more about the SEO tools.
Tips for writing good SEO Content:
If you are interested in SEO copywriting then we have some tips for you that will help you in the process. They aren’t very hard to follow and with the time you will grow a pattern which will help you to write better content every day. Developing SEO content is considered one of the most lucrative business opportunity right now as there is a constant need for good contents. So, some of the SEO content tips are:
- Proper Research: If you are getting into SEO copywriting, then you will need to focus on research. Research is the process which lets you derive the right information about the topic. Other than that you also need to focus on research the target audience. Always remember that you are writing the content for the user. It needs to be legible for them and they need to get some information from the content.So, basically, you will need to focus on 3 types of research, audience research, keyword research, and topic research. The keyword is an important part of every good SEO content. These days, deeper and more knowledgeable contents are getting popular. So, to write a proper content you may need to delve much deeper than just focusing on surface research.
- Make the content readable: It is an obvious fact that whenever we come across a content the first thing that we notice about it is its readability. So, if you are a good writer you will be able to make yourself understand in a simple language by using simple words. This is also valid for the web crawlers as they do rank you on readability. Always focus on maintaining a syntax of your content. This is also better for the long run as people stick to the content sources which are simple yet informative. Also, make sure to write content which can be read in a short span of time.
- Try to provide visuals: Nothing is more attention-grabbing than a good photograph. It is widely known that people do not like to read large blocks of texts. They seem boring and often pushes away a potential reader. The same piece of content can be given a makeover if the right visuals can be utilised. Do not just put any visuals that you find on the internet. Make sure that they are of high-quality and they should be relevant to the topic. Along with that, you should always cite the sources. This wouldn’t only provide you with legitimacy but backlinking is always considered as an important tool of developing an SEO content. Visuals can also include things like short videos, infographics, GIFs, etc. Place the visuals at strategic gaps so that it attracts the readers but do not overdo them.
- Keep the content fact rich: We had to mention this separately because most content these days forget their actual work. As you will start out with audience research you will be able to guess the type of content that they like. Never take your audience as dumb and try to get away with inserting cool looking images.People who click on a page for good content will want to have it. So, focus on the facts that you are mentioning in the content and cross-check them to make sure that they are right. If you are using other sources, then never forget to cite them. If you are claiming something in your content, then make sure that there is supporting data for it. Even if you are using facts mentioned in a Wikipedia page, do not shy away from providing the link.
- Maintain Quality: Never take the web crawlers as dumb programs that do not know their work. Gone are the days when content creators used to stuff their pages with unnecessary keywords. You need to make sure that the content that you are producing has the quality to it. The keywords should only be placed at the relevant places and use them sparingly. Quality of the content can be enhanced by using bullet points, by answering the frequently asked questions and by utilising relevant stats and data. Make sure to be original and stay away from using plagiarism at any step.
- Remain organized: One of the most essential things that you need to think about is keeping things organized. Researching and writing can be quite hectic, but you should focus on creating an editorial calendar. This will be the planner which will help you to schedule your contents and their upload date. Do remember that a regular and strict uploading schedule is crucial when you are a content creator.
SEO content writing has a significant role in the world of the internet. It isn’t very hard to become an SEO content writer if you are enthusiastic about it and learn the tools. Definitely try it out and we are sure that you are going to ace it!